Wednesday 29 April 2009

News Feed: 50 years in exile : the recent "splittist activities" of HHDL in Bay Area, USA

The 14th Dalai Lama, perhaps the most revered and famous exile, is back on the road. This time he is in the Bay Area in the USA.

In line with their campaign to smear the old Tibetan monk the Chinese used the opportunity and issued the customary protest:"The words and deeds of the Dalai Lama over past decades are self-evident that he's not just a religious figure but a political exile bent on separatist activities under the disguise of religion," Yunliang Zhou, a spokesman for the Chinese consulate in San Francisco said.

Pictures:The Dalai Lama helps serve lunch at a San Francisco soup kitchen on Sunday, April 26, 2009. Addressing visitors at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality, the Dalai Lama spoke of his position as Tibet's exiled spiritual leader saying 'Me too, homeless person.' (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

Let's see what exactly are those "separatist activities" this time:

1.Serving lunch at a homeless soup kitchen in San Francisco on Saturday.

2.Giving a speech at University of California Berkley in front of a 7000 crowd mostly students. Topic of the lecture: "Peace Through Compassion." (picture)
3.other lectures, University of California Santa Barbara, press conferences, etc

Selected things His Holiness the Dalai Lama said during those "separatist activities":

"Everybody, including animals, want peace. It is clear," he said. "Our long-term goal should be a more compassionate humanity."

“A healthy society comes not from government, but from families, from individuals,” he stated, reasoning that since a large portion of humanity today is not particularly religious, “We must find ways and means of reaching these people about the importance of moral ethics."

"Ethics, is not a religious matter at all, but rather a matter of achieving a spirit of globalism — of rejecting an “us versus them” mentality, and focusing attention on our inner values. "

The Dalai Lama, cracking jokes, serves pesto pasta to guests at a San Francisco soup kitchen
"Our lives depend on others," said the Dalai Lama. "Me too. My life depends on others. You are still in human society, human community. Please feel happy and feel dignity."

So, he talks about ethics, peace, compassion and human dignity.

As a Buddhist monk and a Nobel Peace prize laureate perhaps he has the qualification to speak about those and use any opportunity to do so, isn't it? !
Just a thought.
News articles:

Dalai Lama: Creating a peaceful 21st century will take all 6 billion of us

Dalai Lama promotes peace through dialogue

The Dalai Lama Talks Secular Ethics His Holiness Holds Press Conference, Lecture on Ethics for our Time