Saturday 19 September 2009

Photographic Exhibition :Where there are flies there are also Buddhas

This is the photo that heads the exhibition and which is featured on the poster too.
The title of the exhibition is :Where there are flies there are also Buddhas (see this older post about explanation of the title).
The exhibition will continue until 26th.

As a matter of fact I actually almost had given up making the exhibition - the very poor organization, the lack of time, lack of money, etc where all reasons that made me give up the idea to make the exhibition, but...As I thought about it more, I decided it is nevertheless worthwhile to make something...So here it is. The opening was yeasterday evening. The lack of time meant that only a few people came for the opening itself, but I hope some people will go and see my photos in the remaining days before the 26th. Fot this exhibition (this is my second photo exhibition, as I believe those of you who know me know) 31 images were selected and exhibited. Mostly these are images from my last trip to Central Tibet (the so-called Tibetan Autonomous Region) in July this year. Only 4 or 5 pictures are taken during other trips from other tibetan regions. I will try to upload more images from the exhibition from the upcoming days and share here...

Yesterday I gave two interviews for the media, hopefully in this way more people will find out about it...

Overall there are many things about I'm not happy about, mainly about the organization...The printing turned out quite good. After a couple of days during which I was completely desperate that nothing decent will come out as a result, I managed to find a place and make quite good prints. The colours are not bad and the overal result of the images is not too bad I think...
But again, as everything was made in a haste, there was no time to do things well in arranging for things, no time to inform the media, no time to invite more people...Hopefully in the coming days somehow people will learn about it and go and see it...
I feel sorry that some people I personally invited and some that promised to come didn't show up at the opening last night...

Anyway. Let's see what happens during the following few days...