Saturday 10 October 2009

Beijing’s World Media Summit - what exactly is it?

Yesterday after I saw few world news agencies news reports (for instance) about a currently held in Beijing so-called 'World Media Summit' I felt amused...
If that's not part of China's grand strategy using 'soft power' to enhance its aspirations for influencing“global public opinion” then what is it?!
(And the timing of this summit, just days after the gargantuan military parade. What a joke! )

Today I saw David Bandurski's article at China Media Project and he seems to be also thinking pretty much the same as me...

He rightly points out: "This “summit” may be dressed up as a platform for professional, “non-government” exchange — but it is really a naked ploy by the CCP to enhance China’s global influence over media agendas. "

And that's that. Hm shouldn't other people start getting the message already?!
Shouldn't all this be worrying them?!

Global media groups knuckle under to curry Beijing’s favor (China Media Project)

UPDATE from 13th:

How Much Will Global News Outlets Bet on China?(TIME)
Key paragraph is the last one :"At a time when media are still reeling from the economic downturn and the Internet-led destruction of traditional advertising and subscription models, China has money to spend and offers new markets for foreign media. The risks are high. Not only could Western media players miss out on a big deal in China, they could sell their soul to win one. "

Internet Human Rights Declaration

On October 8th 15 Chinese intellectuals/netizens published an 'Internet Human Rights Declaration'.
While the text itself may not be saying 'anything new' it's an act of courage that is to be commended. Especially notable for me is the declarators proffessed believe in citizen responsibility -indeed it is of upmost importance.

Here are links to the declaration's original text in Chinese and its English translation.

US President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize : too much too soon?

Good morning. Well, this is not how I expected to wake up this morning. President Barack Obama has just been surprisingly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.

These by the way are also the first public words of US President Barack Obama on his winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It is yet to be seen does the president truly deserves the honour.
It can be said that this award is a sort of an encouragement/early vote of confidence (i.e. he was awarded it before actually proving he deserves it...), not particularly towards Obama himself, but towards the "going back to the basic principles" of the USA. Judging from President Obama's speech and his final ending words "That's why the world has always looked to America. And that's why I believe America will continue to lead.", he seems to realise this very clearly.

Well. An interesting turn of events. Well now, we can say that when Obama meets the Dalai Lama say after two months...why not for instance while accepting the award in Oslo on Dec.10?. In this way he can easily say he is meeting him in the capacity of fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner, not as head of state...In this way he will be meeting the Dalai Lama ,but while smartly avoiding to meet him in the White House...

The complete text of the citation awarding the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama as delivered by the Norwegian Nobel Committee (via AP)

relevant news feeds:
Obama wins shock Nobel Peace Prize (AFP)
Gasps as Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize (AP)
Obama's Nobel win should spur climate commitment: UN climate chief Yvo de Boer said(AFP)