Monday 27 July 2009

China Strong (black humor mock-newspaper article)

While I'm trying to organise my thoughts and impressions about my recent Tibet trip, and hopefully start a series of posts about it very soon, I'm also, (news "hungry", since for at least 2 weeks didn't read or follow news much) trying to catch up with news and events that happened meanwhile while I was on the road...
Needless to even doubt it, the biggest news for the past two weeks was the Urumqi ethnic violence which erupted just a day before I took off from Beijing...
I'm also trying to catch up on reading posts on blogs I'm following...

Following a link from Evan Osnos' LETTER FROM CHINA ( a very good China blog) on the New Yorker, came across a very funny mock-edition of newspaper called "The Onion" which recently had a China-dedicated edition...

Below is a short China related article in The Onion that I find quite funny (and short enough) to reprint...


NEW YORK—According to all sources, the People's Republic of China is strong. The nation is united, the military unmatched, the economy vibrant, and the people ever joyful.

Similarly correct sources verified that China has always been triumphant.
In other news, the Chinese government is fair, all-knowing, and wise, propelled by the strength of two billion loyal hands, all pulling together as one under the Great Celestial Bureaucracy high above.

Experts all agreed that there can be no question of this claim, as this claim is the truth.

As of press time, the brute and inexpressive English language could not convey the full magnificence of China, nor its excellence in every arena, nor the protective warmth of the red sun that shines forever on its borders, nor the innumerable glories of its Great Leaders.

New reports also indicate that China will grow stronger yet. 鱼

China Strong