Wednesday 8 July 2009

Trip To The Roof Of The World

As some of you know well, I am away at the moment...
If everything goes as scheduled I am already in Tibet (proper)!*
It is a trip I have long wanted to make...and have been really looking forward to these few weeks...
I have 30 colour films for my camera. The chances are I am going to probably use them all and even at some point wonder why didn't I get more...but let's see...
It has been a LONG time since I was on a trip and almost as long since I took pictures...I'm really looking forward to it...

Will probably and hopefully post more and much when I get back...

At this moment I'm on The Roof of The World!!!
This is probably the closest to the sky and stars I will get...

* By which I mean TAR (Tibetan Autonomous Region).
I have made several different trips during the span of the last 8 years to other Tibetan regions and areas on the Qing-Tibetan Plateu, to some Tibetan autonomous regions in Si Chuan, Gan Su, Qing Hai and Yun Nan Provinces, but this will be my first trip to the so-called U-Zang region.



(The Great Firewall of China doesn't allow me to have the capability of posting a comment in my own I answer here...)

Hey,Thanks for the comments and encouragement!
Will do my best to post as much as possible about the trip...
"Just a girl", thanks for the interest! I'm quite flattered that my blog has caught the attention of strangers...
Dear M. I laughed at your funny and witty comment (I'm sure it was your intention to make me laugh. It is appreciated), but no, I'm sorry, I didn't meet Karlsson, some travelers of old claim to have seen levitating/flying Buddhist lamas/monks in Tibet...I was not so fortunate ;)
Saw a few Tibetan antelopes and a couple of wild foxes, many many pilgrims and some monks, marching military and tourists, but no flying humanoids on the Roof...But now that I think about it, I saw at least two snipers, Han Chinese soldiers, based on the roofs of Lhasa...