Saturday 21 November 2009

Kyoto in Autumn

The past two weeks I felt very depressed and emotionally very sad and because of my depression felt too weak to do anything...Apart from the Ikebana exhibition in downtown Kyoto and late afternoon walk in Uji last week I didn't do anything meaningful or good to improve my bad emotional state...
Meanwhile Kyoto has become really very beautiful.
I will try to organise myself and use the few free days (because of Kyoto University's annual festival) and visit a few places and try to be out a couple of times, instead of just sitting in my room and feeling dejected and sad...
Yesterday afternoon I went to the North West part of Kyoto for some temple and red leaves viewing. I chose it because I was hoping there will be less tourists compared with the famous temples in downtown Kyoto...
It was rather chilly and the temples I went to were a bit crowded, but not completely annoyingly so. It is high tourist season now in Kyoto, and thousands of tourists come to the city, so I deliberately chose a couple of places which are not so crowded.
Unfortunately the sky was cloudy and I didn't manage to make great photos since the light was not good.
Nevertheless I also took some photos with my mobile phone in order to be able to show you some digital images here....The quality is of course quite bad, but still something is better than nothing...I will try to make a web album and upload some more of the digital photos there...
On Monday I plan to go to Ohara and visit the temples there. (Ohara is on the North of Kyoto)...
I'm rather looking forward to it...
I need to start doing meaningful things here, things that can give me energy and positive feeling, instead of feeling miserable, unhappy and sad the whole time...
On Tuesday (which is also free day because of the university's festival) I will go on a group outing organised by the foreign students department at Kyodai (short for 'Kyoto University') to Nara. I don't expect much from the Tuesday Nara trip, since I don't like group activities, but since I was invited by one of the professors who is taking the students and also he said we will have a rare opportunity to touch the Great Buddha statue in Todai Ji 東大寺(perhaps the most famous Buddha statue in Japan, dating as early as the 8th century) I thought that can add some meaning for me...