Wednesday 22 April 2009

First Post : Karma Police

Why "Karma Police"?

"Karma Police" (as some of you may well know) is originally the title of a song.

I find this combination of words very intriguing and actually to an extend suitable to what I am attempting with this blog, i.e. making a sort of a systematic record of my daily "sense and sensibility" observations and musings. Be they political, social, cultural, personal, emotional, etc.

Hm, I'll try to explain why I chose this title for the blog.

"Karma" is the Sanskrit word for "action". Action not only as deed, but also, as thought, feeling, attachment, and all the result that comes with it.

This word (or rather the idea) carries the ancient Indians' worldview and believe that every action has consequence and this consequence has far reaching results. It's a special force that connects the past, the present and the future.

Being an Indian teaching, Buddhism has also adopted the idea about karma.

It so happens that I'm very much interested in Buddhism.
In many things my worldview is very similar to the basic Buddhist worldview. Buddhists believe that each and every action has consequence, and by our actions we build our own lives. It's a complex past-present-future system.

There is no one else responsible for us. The responsibility for what we are, for what we will be is only decided by us.
So in "karmic" terms our lives are consequence of past "deeds", our present is a complicated result, but also is a cause for future consequence. So in fact there is actually no one else to "police" us. We are both "police" and "thieves".
In a way "karma police" describes this action-reaction connection.

The "trick" is, as Buddhists teach, to be able to get out of this "system" and reach a state were there is no longer need to produce action which has to be "policed" anymore. That state is called nirvana. And since I am (obviously) no near that state I can only try to observe action and muse over its meaning, reason and possible consequences. To an extend observation can also be a worthwhile Buddhist practice.

But this blog is NOT about Buddhism, nor is it attempting at preaching anything. (Although unavoidably there would be a lot of Buddhist things that will appear now and then, ...or perhaps even quite often.)

To an extend it may appear that it is a blog about China, notes of my impressions, observations, thoughts...But not exclusively. But since for the past decade my thoughts, feelings, and live experiences are linked with China, it is natural that my postings will be very much China connected.

It's a sort of a diary of things I notice, observe, think or feel about all sort of things. Anything.

I have no idea what will come out of it. Or for how long.

I have never been able to keep a diary, but since lately I have been thinking a lot about some things and have the urge to write them down...

Let's see how it goes...

P.S. And please feel free to comment and/or share your views.

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