Sunday 17 May 2009

Big Brother Is Watching You: China Blocked Blogger!!!

This is absolutely vexing and irritating!!!

The moment I decide to make a blog and it is sabotaged.
I have little hope that THEY are going to unblock it...Youtube has been blocked for more than a month (if not even longer) and there are no signs it will get unblocked...And now blogger...
With the sensitive anniversaries coming up, my guess is that the black-out will go on at least until October...

It took me some time to find a way to post this, but at least this time out-smartened the censor-geeks.
Here is a way to circumvent the Great Firewall:


Actually these days I have many things to share here, but have no time for posting...
I am writing my thesis (or rather I am trying to), but still, I had to see if I can find a way and post this...

For now it works.

(I have a GREAT photo to go with this post, but in the current situation this option and all the rest of the "fancy" options are not available...So for the time being, unfortunately,no special fonts,no colours, no photos, monochrome with just words...)

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