Tuesday 26 May 2009

finally handed-in my thesis today

It HAS been a while since my last post.
I didn't even read the news with my morning cup of coffee the past few days (apparently meanwhile North Korea did a nuke test of which of course I was oblivious. Hm, to think of it, is it so important for our existence to have this kind of information really?!)
And of course I didn't have any time to post here.
The last few days were physically and mentally busy and exhausting.
In just a few days I had to write my thesis. In fact it only took the time since Thursday until today 7 o'clock in the morning to finish it.
In fact I have worked on this topic for the last 3-4 years and I have collected so much material that I still haven't even managed to mention or use some of it. However writing all than on paper under emotional pressure is NOT easy.
It was an intense and wearisome experience.
Here I wish to thank my Chinese friends and classmates who helped me those few days with the overwhelming task. I wish to thank my dear (pregnant) friend H. R.F. for her help and for staying in front of the computer for hours for two days in a row. I also want to thank Z.F. for checking and being responsible for the Traditional Chinese Character script. ( I decided that since my thesis is using so much of Classical Chinese texts, it must be printed in the form that is as close to the original as possible).
Lastly said, but mostly indebted I am to L.X. for his forbearance and untiring help those few days. Without his help and support this thesis would not have been ready today.
I am indebted to all three of you. MARGA, thank you!
After sleeping for 2 hours last night and after not having key elements even ready a couple of hours before deadline, with the help of my friends I somehow managed to get it done in time.
I haven't even read the thing (or seeing it in a finished for printing form)before I printed it out. Reading it now, I find that there are quite a few places that I could have easily seen and changed if only I had time to at least read it once.
Oh, well.
Frankly speaking judging from the whole attitude of my advisor and the teachers who are going to read the paper it is very HARD to feel motivation for doing something very good. It will not be appreciated.
My defense is this coming Sunday.
For my own sake I'll try this days to at least correct the mistakes I already noticed...

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