Wednesday 6 May 2009

News Feed: Again interfering with China's "internal affairs"

From today's news, 3 pieces of news that I bet will certainly make the Chinese government and nationalists go mad with indignation and make them "unhappy"...yet again.

"HOW dare those nosy westerners with ulterior motives interfere with our 'internal affairs' " is no doubt not only the government's 'Pavlovian first-order conditioning'-like response each time to ANY international criticism, investigation and report, but also this indeed actually represents the majority of popular sentiment. Actually not a few Chinese believe that China should "stand up to the West" and think the government's response is not strong enough.

And since a huge part of the Chinese population is completely ignorant or/and apathetic about what freedom of speech, democracy, free press, religious freedom, international law, human rights, etc. etc., actually mean, the misunderstanding and confrontation gets bigger and deeper.
The automaton-like reaction is almost invariably uniformly the same - they just go crazy with rage each time somebody says something not flattering or critical or which is even slightly different from the official line. On the other hand, Chinese government and the playing along media use this conditioning reactions well to draw away attention from the actual internal affairs and the actual REAL problems. (Most of the time the publicly expressed strong indignation of government officials and the announcements of the "hurt feelings of Chinese people" are quite obviously for internal consummation and/or a diversion tactics.)
(It's a very dangerous game to play with nationalism and to encourage anti-foreign sentiments, though, but that's another issue...)

My question is, why, WHY on Earth the reaction is so uniform?!!
(There are two actually : apathy/indifference or indignation.)
Is it a intended result of the (at least) decades-long brainwashing, or it is a side effect of it?!
Why so few instead of, stopping for a second and actually engaging in a rational, conscious act of individual thinking just snap.
"What?!! Cultural genocide?!! Minority and ethnic problems?!! Religious freedom restrictions, controls and interference?!! Political persecutions?!! Harassment of petitioners?!! Violations of human rights?!!
First of all it's none of your business! Second of all, there are no such things in China. Your criticisms are groundless and biased. In China everybody feels happy and harmonious. And if they don't we'll goddamn make them feel so!"

So here is the news from today:

China rejects latest US report on religious freedom (AP)

"China sharply restricts religious practices and controls activities of churches and mosques, a report from the congressionally backed U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said."Religious activities are tightly controlled and some religious adherents were detained, imprisoned, fined, beaten and harassed," said the commission's 2009 annual report, which was released last week.The report said China remained on a list of "countries of particular concern," which the commission considers the world's worst violators of religious rights. Examples of other countries on the list include Nigeria, Myanmar, Iran, Iraq and North Korea.The report pointed to China's efforts to make Buddhist monks and nuns pledge loyalty to Beijing and denounce the Dalai Lama, the exiled leader of Tibet who the government accuses of trying to split the Himalayan region from the country.It said that those who refuse have been expelled from their monasteries, imprisoned and tortured.Similarly, Muslim clerics in Xinjiang in western China have been forced to undergo political retraining in order to retain their licenses, the report said. "(AP)

Eh. Should we expect a Chinese report on the "restriction of the religious freedoms" of the Mormons in the US anytime soon perhaps?!

Rights group presses China over quake 'harassment' (AFP)

"Rights group Amnesty International has urged China to end what it called the harassment of parents seeking to find out how their children died in last year's Sichuan earthquake.In a new report ahead of next week's one-year anniversary of the quake, which left nearly 88,000 people dead or missing, the watchdog documented cases of the government detaining parents who tried to question officials.Thousands of students were believed to have been killed when their shoddily built schools collapsed in the quake.A year after the May 12, 2008 quake, the government has still not released the total number of school-aged victims and has appeared eager to cover up alleged corruption in the building of numerous schools." (AFP)

Now, this is the only issue that actually has stirred some homegrown debate and probing by Chinese themselves. But only very very few people actually ask questions at all. The rest unless it personally involves them are just simply apathetic.

Spanish judge to quiz China officials over Tibet;_ylt=AngkodepaIWIh44R.Cz3LfUBS5Z4

Now THAT will totally enrage them.
"What?!! How dare you?!! Tibet IS part of China! It always was. Even before China itself existed it WAS!"
Of course this sort of reaction has NOTHING to do with the raised issues and the actual problems, i.e. the violation of human rights, the intimidation, the forced restriction and interference in ethnic affairs and religious freedom, etc. etc. And more importantly, this sort of reaction will NOT help addressing or solving any of the obviously existing problems.

Yes, yes, I KNOW. Han Chinese people's human rights are also violated, actually every day. Yes, Han Chinese people also undergo cultural genocide. But the difference is, the Tibetans try to make a stand. Despite how desperate and hopeless it is, they are trying.

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