Monday 28 September 2009

3 days in the mountains

Last week I finally managed to get away and go to P. mountains for 3 days hiking. Previously since I am back I went on two occasions for a day hike to nearby (not so far away from my hometown)mountains, but it's much different to go to a bigger mountain and sleep up there at high altitude away from cities and civilisation. The special physical exhaustion of mountain trekking is something I miss very much yearlong. The way the body feels walking, trekking at higher altitude, with the majestic views of mountains around is something that I cherish very much.
P. is a very majestic and beautiful mountain, but it is also very severe looking and sometimes technically hard for hiking. It has a very stone-hard feeling about it, 'cold' beauty that I can appreciate, but frankly it is not the kind of mountain I feel most comfortable with. I prefer green slopes and softer outlines, forests and rounder hills and ridges...
After a year of almost zero physical exercise I thought that I'm in a very bad shape, but it turned out that it's actually not so bad.

The trek was good and energy-filling apart from the last part of our third day when we climbed down from a dangerously-looking peak.

Here is a photo showing the last peak we climbed on the 3 day of our trekking in P. mountain. The picture shows with a red line the descend path. The technically difficult descend almost led to a tragic outcome, since one of our fellow climbers misstepped and slipped on a stone, damaged his knee and suffered a severe shock that caused loss of cautiousness. I really don't know how, but he managed to regain consciousness and some strength and with much struggle we managed to climb down from the dangerous and technically difficult path and safely went down.

You can see more views from the places I went to this time here. (The pictures are not mine and are not taken this time)

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