Wednesday 7 October 2009

news feed: Guiding The Public Opinion/Headcleaner

As always China Media Project has an interesting material discussing on media in China. This time what I find most interesting in the recent article Shenzhen’s new media rules: is anyone paying attention? is the observation how Chinese English language propaganda has effectively managed to mislead certain western media. Without knowing, the western media might just be helping the Chinese into 'guiding the public opinion'? It is indeed very alarming! Following the recent tendencies (for instance this year the purposedly huge amount of English language propaganda articles about Tibet) it is not hard to imagine that the recent and planned huge investments in foreign language (English) Chinese propaganda is probably going to pay off. This kind of 'soft power' tactics of the Chinese, unbelievable though it seems might just as well probably going to work like a charm.
We have to just sit and watch. Or do we?!

Also, see another recent good and interesting analysis on Chinese media by CMP - More hard words on China’s “war for public opinion” .

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