Monday 9 November 2009

20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall falling : a watershed in modern history

Twenty years ago the lives of millions of European citizens changed dramatically and irreversibly. The fall of the Berlin Wall is without doubt one of the most iconic historical events of our modern history. The barriers between the East and West crushed and fell down, not only those for the East and West Germans but also for the rest of the divided Europe. 20 years later Europe is open to an extend unimaginable then.

I remember very vividly and clearly, then only a teenager, who has just started to form my political views, and just starting to doubt the System on my own, seeing the footage from Germany on TV, feeling the change of history, being part of it...Europe has changed, the World has changed. It was hard to believe, but it was true.
The Wall fell.

Germany celebrates memory of Berlin Wall falling (AP)

Twenty years ago today, the great dividing line between the Iron Curtain and the West came down, felled by the tides of history and the irrepressible will of millions of people.AFP video

news updates:
World leaders line up to mark fall of Berlin Wall(Reuters)

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