Tuesday 29 December 2009

news feeds: China VS the World

These few days there have been a few (at least 3) very interesting and thought provoking duel-like "spats" that seem to be putting China VS (at least some) Western democracies.

One is the deportation of the 20 Uighurs from Cambodia. (In apparent snub to international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which China by the way is a signatory, but definitely doesn't act like one). The UN, the USA and EU have all expressed concern about this. Here are 2 links on the topic.

Deported Uighurs told UN of fears of China return

Editorial (New York Times)
China, Cambodia and the Uighurs

The second issue is the political trial of Liu Xiaobo.

Liu trial a travesty: Human Rights Watch (AFP)
Chinese activists warned over dissident trial
The Trial of Liu Xiaobo: A Citizens' Manifesto and a Chinese Crackdown
Perry Link

Chinese Dissident Gets 11-Year Prison Term

Trial in China Signals New Limits on Dissent http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/24/world/asia/24china.html?em

video about Liu Xiaobo

The third one is the failed talks at Copenhagen.

China blasts claim it 'hijacked' climate talks

Ed Miliband: China tried to hijack Copenhagen climate deal

How China Stiffed the World in Copenhagen


A China related article in the New York Times I came across recently.

Uneasy Engagement: China’s Export of Labor Faces Scorn

1 comment:

Biletul Zilei said...

And China is free to stiff the world because the climate nullifiers in the U.S. Senate will stiff the President. At the same time, the nullifiers in the U.S. Senate can stiff the President while China is stiffing the world.

This is the unholy, unspoken, but tragically effective alliance that will tie up an agreement until it is broken.

Tuvalu, Americans, Maldive, Obama, the EU are all bystanders and victims.......until this unholy alliance is broken.