Tuesday 9 June 2009

China Rising? - news feeds

For the past couple of weeks and more while I was busy with writing my thesis, its defence, etc. several news caught my attention and I made a point to post about them. Meanwhile some time has passed,and maybe some are quite "old news", but since I believe that they say much about the current Chinese society I think it's worthwhile to at least point out to them with links and brief comments.

The FIRST news feed is a report about child traficking and kidnapping, a topic on which I commented in a previous post.
I have no comment to add to what I previously said.

Child kidnappers arrested in China: state media (AFP)

The SECOND piece of news is somewhat connected to the first since it is about human traficking. It is a news about released slaves. Yes, I haven't misspelled, slaves. Hm, I think the report speaks for itself. It also makes one remember a scandal a couple of years back when hundreds of kiln slaves were released.
This happens in a country that CLAIMS to be a socialist country, and aspires to become a world power!

Police free 32 mentally-handicapped from forced labor, arrest 10 suspects(Xinhua)

10 arrested in east China over brick kiln slavery

BEIJING – Police in eastern China have arrested 10 men for allegedly enslaving mentally handicapped people who were forced to work at brick kilns and endure beatings, an officer said Friday.
A total of 32 people were freed in an April 28 raid on the kilns located on the outskirts of the city of Jieshou in Anhui province, the police officer said, confirming a report by the official Xinhua News Agency.
The victims were all mentally handicapped people between the ages of 25 and 45, said the officer, who declined to give her name as is common with Chinese officials.
The boss of the operation told police he bought the laborers from a taxi driver in neighboring Shandong province who had picked them up off the street, the officer said. The victims were forced to work up to 10 hours per day with no pay and beaten if they refused.
Investigations were continuing to uncover more evidence about trafficking links, the officer said.
Hundreds of brick kiln slaves, many of them handicapped, were freed in raids in 2007 in northern China.

An interesting article in the New York Times about the demolition of the ancient town of Kashgar.
The report shows a very typical attitude of the Chinese towards old architecture and buildings with cultural significance that should be preserved - raze it and rebuild. Then say it's thousand years old. Thus China is full of ancient buildings that are brand new.
Another issue is that in the name of "progress", "modernisation", "security" Han Chinese manage to successfully destroy not only what remains of their own culture, but also that of other nationalities living in the territory of China. In this case the completely distinct from Han Chinese Muslim culture of the uigurs without much asking them.

To Protect an Ancient City, China Moves to Raze It

FOURTH and last in this list of news is a topic much talked about in the media (sex themed articles obviously sell well and atract much attention. For a few days only numerous articles on the topic appeared in blogs and official media outlets). I decided to post about it too because for me it shows the chaos in Chinese society as concerns the absence of ethics, morals and values. Prehaps I'm too concervative in a way and a sex themed park is something that in principle in my view is a bad taste cheap vulgar entertainment that has no positive value.

But in the case of a Chinese one more other issues are involved.
In China prostitution, sexual promiscuity, debauchery, adultery are shockingly common. They are as common as smoking and eating. That common.
In their most ugly and vulgar forms.
In my observation Chinese are very far from being conservative, on the contrary. But to me they are extremely underdeveloped and backward in their understanding.
And while some people point out that China is yet to experience "sexual revolution" they are obviously misunderstanding reality. China doesn't need sexual revolution, China needs a little bit of "feminism". Chinese women appear very 'tough', even seem to be 'in charge' (seriously I have seen and heard men being bossed around, even hit and beaten by their girfriends, wifes, etc. which for one thing showes agression), but when it comes to understanding of sex they are living in the middle ages. Debauchery, adultery, prostitution and promiscuity are NOT signs of "sexual liberation". In fact they point to the oposite.
Hm, I guess I sound like a 'feminist' (and in fact I'm actually not), but it is deplorable to see men treating women like things, commodities, driven by lust and women obediently playing a part in this men's world. It is EXTREMELY rare to actually see someone feeling anything. Not just emotion, but a true feeling. Not lust, but love.

Love of course is non-existent.
Hm, I have a "theory" that love has never existed in China, but on that some other time.

I got a bit carried away... Back to the sex theme park.
The incredibly ugly (and offensive) statue which was supposed to stay at the entrance of the park would have stirred the anger of feminists in other more advanced parts of the world.

A Controversial Sex Park in Guandong Province that stired debate:

China builds first sex theme park

'Evil' China sex park torn down: state media (AFP)

Staid in China: Yet-to-open sex park demolished (AP)

The demolition highlights conflicted views on sex in modern China, where a prudish attitude toward discussion of sexuality is paired with an almost clinical approach to its physical aspects.
While pornography is banned and sex education largely unheard of, shops selling sex toys and related items stand out prominently in many neighborhoods and sex outside marriage is widely tolerated. Prostitution, while technically illegal, is widespread, and the keeping of mistresses among prominent businessmen and Communist Party officials is considered commonplace.

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