Monday 8 June 2009

The Umbrella Men - Undercover Policemen prevent media from reporting on Tiananmen Square (updated)

Here is some black humor about the Anniversary.

This is a video from BBC, showing BBC's Beijing correspondent James Reynolds trying to get on the Square on the 4th of June, two plainclothes policemen stand in front of the camera with open umbrellas.

Also below is a VERY funny version of this video with the original sound replaced with a song "The Umbrella Man".

I tried to embed the videos here, but it doesn't seem to be working...

Also another amusing piece I wish to recommend here also connected with the anniversary is a black humor story (in Chinese) "An account of an ordinary citizen's adventure",posted on the Douban Blog.Below is the link to the original post. (Sorry, no English version for those of you who don't read Chinese.)
Obviously the story was written about this very Thursday. Inside I can see some of my own experiences on that day which independently proves most of my observations. It is a VERY good satire piece. Some of the parts are just great!



UPDATE. Last time it turns out the link to this black humor story I posted doesn't work (maybe it was "harmonized"?). I'm posting a link which goes to Tibetan writer Woeser's Blog were the story was re-posted.

Judging from posts on the net it turns out that many people have been to the Square (or tried to get there) that day. Strangelly enough we all picked the afternoon and more or less observed the same things. It's good to know somebody actually remembered the date...I wonder what if we all happened to go at the same time?!

See for instance two James Fallows Blog posts:
1. About his attempt to go to Tiananmen on the eve of the 4th when the Square was off-limits
2.The account of his wife who went there on the 4th and managed to visit the Square and observed the same orchestrated "crowd" of "visitors".
For instance her experience with her bag being searched, etc. and her estimate that at least 85% of the people on the square were undercover or outright security personnel coincides with my observation...
Notes from a Non-anniversary
(a post I saw at the China Beat Blog)

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