Monday 1 June 2009

thesis defence

My defense (of my master graduation thesis) was yesterday afternoon.
These past days have been completely overwhelming and utterly exhausting for me. I had very little time to write my thesis. I actually wrote it in more or less than a week, which for a 80, 000 character 115 page paper is not enough...
It was completely physically and emotionally exhausting.
But it passed.

The defense yesterday was not that bad as the Cultural Revolution poster would suggest (the characters mean “Big Criticism” or “Big Judging“)
I meant it as a joke…

Actually it was rather relaxed and friendly. All the teachers I have known for some time and their attitude was more or less favorable.
Actually most of the views they expressed were rather positive and encouraging.
It was the first time I have actually heard so much constructive and useful critique and advice in all my years here in this university.
I really regret they didn't tell me those things all the time...
I had the honour of a teacher and a couple of friends coming especially to hear my defense.
And just now a few minutes ago my advisor gave me a call to tell me to take more rest and relax which was unexpectedly very kind of him.
I am very happy for all this attention now at the end of my 7 years here.
It means a lot to me to be able to leave with more hope and strength.

So, yesterday was an important day of my life.
I turned the page of almost a decade.
It's a big deal.

But where to from now on?
I really don't know what will happen...

The Road Goes Ever On And On...

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