Friday, 7 August 2009

China contributes much to increasing of green gas gases, but will do little to the reducing of climate change

China refuses to budge on greenhouse gases (AFP)

BEIJING (AFP) – China refused to budge Wednesday on its demands that rich nations commit to large greenhouse gas cuts at upcoming climate change talks, while also declining to put a ceiling on its own emissions.

China and other developing nations will call on rich countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 from 1990 levels at negotiations in Copenhagen in December, said Yu Qingtai, China's top climate negotiator.

"We have all along believed that due to the historical responsibility of the developed nations, they must continue to take the lead with large reductions beyond 2012," Yu told reporters.

We "have demanded that developed nations reduce emissions by 40 percent... this is fair and reasonable... China's position has not changed."

The December negotiations are aimed at hammering out a new climate change pact to replace the Kyoto protocol that expires in 2012.

As a developing nation with low per-capita emissions, China is not required to set emissions cuts under the UN Framework on Climate Change.

The European Union has said it will slash emissions by 20 percent by 2020 compared with the 1990 level.

The US Congress is considering legislation that would reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.

China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases along with the United States, has said neither of the cuts are enough.

I believe that the last sentence is very important!
Both key emitters are playing a "game" in which everyone loses...
Actually, the cutting to which they will agree to will not only be insufficient, but the arguments (especially those of the Chinese who drive me nuts with their stubborn, bordering on clinical, refusal to face reality)for not doing so will cause a damage that simply cannot be mended. China's claim to have the "right" to give priority to industrial development over ecology, is so insane and stupid that it just makes one angry with the shortsightedness of a statement like that. Not only it is stupid, but it is dangerous, it's like playing a Russian roulette with 5 bullets...Yes, in the short term industrialisation and economical development will improve the livelihood of many people, but in the long term it will the downfall of all...It's so absurd to look for a small profit when there is possibility to lose all...
The problem is, in this case not only the Chinese will suffer the consequences of their actions. All the Earth's 'citizens' will. Humans, animals, plants...All.

Interestingly, two and a half months earlier there was this report. I was going to post about it, but was busy and forgot to. Today reading again the same things made me remember my old intention to blog about it.

China says rich nations must cut emissions by 40 pct

BEIJING (AFP) – China confirmed Thursday that it will demand rich nations cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2020 in upcoming global climate change negotiations.

In a position paper published for negotiations to be held in Copenhagen in December, China -- one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases that cause global warming -- did not commit to any legally binding reductions.

"Developed countries shall undertake to reduce their GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in aggregate by at least 40 percent below their 1990 level by 2020," said the paper, posted on China's planning agency's website.

"Developed countries shall take responsibility for their historical cumulative emissions and current high per capita emissions to change their unsustainable way of life and to substantially reduce their emissions."

In short, China says, we KNOW that we are currently emitting more GHG than everybody else, and with the temp we are using energy and making all kinds of waste, and have a completely unsustainable way of life, and our environment is already in a hazardous state, and at least 70% of the water is irreversibly polluted, etc.
going it's getting worse each day, but since HISTORICALLY you did it first you are to blame.
China says that the West has started the industrial revolution, thus causing irreversible damage to the environment,
leading lifestyles which due to the over consumption are unsustainable, and after saying that (which the West realises is bad and should be changed, and by the way nobody denies),
China says, but after we SEE that this is obviously wrong(and we blame you for it) we reserve the right (with that knowledge) to make as much damage as you did, because we also need to develop...
What kind of insane logic is this?!
This is an argument of a 6 year old kid in a kindergarden, who does something bad, for instance makes a mess,
and when asked to stop, points to the other kids, "Oh but they started first!"

related links:

a week later on 2009/05/28:

US delegation mixed on China climate change pact

And very essential is this one from June 18th:

Climate catastrophe getting closer, warn scientists


In short. In December in Copenhagen, nothing of consequence will be signed. There will be SOMETHING signed, but not really something that will make a difference.
It will be just an opportunity for some people to do a business/work trip to Europe.

Yet another proof that ignorance and shortsightedness of people is infinite.

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