Friday 9 October 2009

Is Tony Blair lobbying for China now?

Just finished reading a co-opted article in the Wall Street Journal titled China's New Cultural Revolution by non other but the former British PM Tony Blair. I couldn't just not comment on this!

In it (among other things) is the following incredibly stupid paragraph:
Confucius, the marvels of the Tang dynasty, calligraphy, the beauty of traditional Chinese painting and literature—all of this infuses the speeches, commentary and discourse of contemporary Chinese life. Chinese films, art, fashion and pop music are thriving. There is a new Cultural Revolution taking place in 21st century China, and it is a lot healthier than the old.

This particular paragraph (especially in the context of the rest of the misinforming article) shows such utter 'well-informed ignorance' and lack of knowledge and understanding of China that makes one gasp with wonder. Who the hell made Tony Blair an expert on Chinese society and culture?!

Recently on CNN I watched an interview with this British buffoon taken while he was wrapping up his recent China visit...Is this guy now on Chinese payroll or is he simply an ignorant imbecile?!

Oh, now I see. It turns out the Wall Street Journal since August 2007 is owned by dubious global media mogul Rupert Murdoch...who at this moment happens to be in Beijing for a 'World Media Summit' organized by CCP mouthpiece Xinhua...

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