Friday 27 November 2009

About AIDS in China

Two days ago news reports showed statistics about the spread of HIV AIDS in China. I find that the most important part of this data was the fact of the big rise of hetorosexualy spread AIDS and its connection to the very decadent growing trend in modern China of prostitution and debauchery. The lack of ethical and moral values is causing a social decadence that has huge impact on Chinese society. The figures of this AIDS report are just a data prove of this trend...

While by law outlawed prostitution is widespread and commonplace all over China. In addition a wrongly understood sexual emancipation makes young people irresponsible, morally corrupt and dissipated.
This were one of the most ugly things I saw and observed in China and one of the reasons I feel very reluctant to feel optimistic about China's Rise.

UNAIDS: Sex main cause for HIV spreading in China

Also read:

UN AIDS chief in China to push for stronger civil society
Hetero Sex Leading Cause of HIV in China

A somewhat related article:

No bars, no mistresses, Chinese officials warned

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